Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fanny Pack? Man-purse? No, it's an ATB!

What do you call the thing that carries my chemo pump? I don't like "fanny-pack" and I definitely don't like "Man-purse", so I'm calling it an Athletic Tote Bag, or ATB.

I asked April to take a picture at the pool this morning. Today was a free day at the pool for some reason, and it got crowded early. If you look closely, you can see Mom in the pool. I can't get in, what with my ATB and all, but I can wade up to my knees. Whew - what a workout...


  1. That is Patsy that Mom is chatting with. I know they look like two dots, but the dot with a shoulder is Patsy.
    James, we'll getcha all the way in the pool afore you know it.

  2. Very stylish ATB, but you may want to call it a 'Man's Athletic Tote Bag', MATB, just so people don't think it's a girlie bag. But it truly stunning with the baby blue Thundercloud sub shirt and dark blue shorts. We must get a picture together with me in my pink golf shirt. See you all soon.

  3. By the way, having a hard time picking out Mom in the picture, but I'll take our word for it.

  4. I love fanny's like you're in Vegas! Everyone has one...pretend it's loaded with chips or coins...we missed you in was actually cold one night! See you soon. Love, me

  5. Nice T you got there bud. Very Austintatious. Let me know if you want to do Thai Kitchen lunch sometime. Livestrong!

    Greg Hall

  6. Looks like a European Carry All or ECA or Everyday Cancer Avenger!!
