Saturday, August 22, 2009

Supplement City

At the urging of a very good friend of mine (and cancer survivor), I went to a world renown specialist in nutritional oncology who has an office right here in Austin. He's a very friendly gent with an impressive resume and he must be good because it took weeks to get in to see him. The appointment was timely since I will begin my new chemo regiment next week, and he had suggestions on what to eat and what not to eat before, during, and after the chemo sessions. He is quite the intellectual. He told me about some supplements that can act as immunomodulators and then he started talking about anti-angiogenic therapy and vascular endothelial growth factors and tumor neovascularization and by then I could only smile and nod and occasionally grunt out an "Uh-huh, yeah. Sounds good."

I did get the general idea; some of the nutritional tips and supplements will increase the effectiveness of the chemo, and other supplements will decrease the negative side effects of the chemo. Works for me, dude!


  1. Sounds good because when I think of nutrition, I think of food!! Love you and keeping you in our prayers...nutrition for the soul!

  2. Well, if you look at what's in a regular candy bar or some of that prepared food they sell, it'll have just as many incomprehensible ingredients. It's good to know that these will help. Glad to hear you're getting some advice on how to deal with the chemo. We're cheering for you!
