Friday, October 23, 2009

No News is Good News

I have this theory about surgeons that if
you go to a surgeon enough times that the surgeon will recommend surgery. I've been told that's not the case with my surgeon - he'll only recommend it if it is absolutely necessary. I believe it. He's a good guy. I went in today for my third sigmoidoscopy and I was worried that he might say surgery was imminent. Good news - nothing has changed and I can wait another 10 weeks before I go have another sigmoidoscopy. That's fine with me - I don't exactly enjoy the procedure. I have another theory - Sigmund Freud would have a field day with sigmoidoscopies, especially if you actually enjoyed the procedure.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dear Diary

This is a picture of my "treatment diary" that came with my Xeloda package from the oncologist. I take the Xeloda pills every morning and evening and fill in the information on the page. It's a good way to keep track of your progress and any side effects you may be having. One side effect I have is hand-foot syndrome - also known as palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia, or PPE. Fortunately I have a very mild case of hand-foot syndrome, but for some reason I keep thinking its called hoof and mouth disease. Why is that? Wisconsin upbringing?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why is This Man Smiling? Because Down is Good!

I've been waiting for some news to post something - I've been on the chemo pills now for 6 weeks. After the first "cycle" of 2 weeks on and one week off my CEA number went up from 35 to 42. That was not good news, but not alarming so we went for another cycle and I had the lab work done yesterday. I was worried because the doc said if it went up again I might have to go back to the dreaded pump and start the stronger chemo. I just got the new number - it went down to 28!! I'm still smiling!! Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and support!!