Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why is This Man Smiling? Because Down is Good!

I've been waiting for some news to post something - I've been on the chemo pills now for 6 weeks. After the first "cycle" of 2 weeks on and one week off my CEA number went up from 35 to 42. That was not good news, but not alarming so we went for another cycle and I had the lab work done yesterday. I was worried because the doc said if it went up again I might have to go back to the dreaded pump and start the stronger chemo. I just got the new number - it went down to 28!! I'm still smiling!! Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and support!!


  1. Yeah, well, I was pretty sure you were NOT smiling about the Packer game... Way to go James! Barton Springs, yoga, and good vibes all around are surely the way to go.

  2. Yes, good reason to smile. That and a Badger victory over the Buckeyes this weekend!

    Keep up the good work.

  3. I love good news, don't you?...never saw you so happy after a Packer loss!

  4. Great news, James. Dump the pump!

  5. James you look great! Great news! Keep smiling, yoga, swimming, surrounding yourself with postive people. Love you! PS: Lilly and I bought ourselves some Packers shirts at Old Navy yesterday. Pretty cool shirts.
