Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Lab

Almost every time I go to the doctor's office I have to first go to the lab, where they take your blood and have it analyzed before treatment. I went in today expecting treatment, but because my white blood cell count is low again, I'm going to wait another week before treatment. At first I was concerned but the doc says this happens and not to worry. That's fine by me, it's not like I enjoy the infusions. He said we may have to go on a different schedule - every three weeks instead of every other week. As long as my numbers stay steady we can do that. That's just fine with me!


  1. It seems a bit confusing. I hope it isn't stressful not knowing what you're going to get that day. But, you seem to have a handle on it. Hope you're able to enjoy the basketball ahead. Go Badgers!

  2. there sure are a lot or trash receptacles in that lab. needles and trash.

  3. If you can go with the flow, good for's not like anyone in this family is OCD or anything.

  4. The good thing about the stickers in your lab, they are so experienced, you hardly feel a thing. Hang in there! Mitch
