Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

I had my first treatment in a long time today, and I'm glad to be back. The doctor is going to give me a shot for the white blood cells on Thursday when I get my pump disconnected, so we're hoping that won't be a problem anymore. You never know.

It's been a while - I'm feeling very tired, and that metallic taste in my mouth, and the sensitivity to cold... but I'm still happy we got it done. Time to kill some cancer cells!


  1. Kill those suckers! Then take a nice nap! Naps are NOT overrated.

  2. I hear ya bro! Get rid of those nasties. And relax. Everyones supporting you and thinking of you!

  3. Yesterday, James and I had a lite lunch at Blue Dahlia Bistro, watched Avatar at home and lounged. Saweet!
