Tuesday, July 5, 2011

That was Quick

I had the quickest infusion ever today! My schedule is every Tuesday, and two out of three weeks are "light" weeks where I just get one drug administered (Erbitux). Every third week I have a "heavy" infusion day where I get two chemo drugs and of course a lot of anti-nausea drugs as well and that takes a long time.

Today I was in and out in two hours, which is a new record! In addition, my tumor numbers have stayed low so far with the new treatment so it appears to be working well. To top it off I'm feeling good! I try to appreciate every day and it sure is easy when things are going well!!


  1. Hey, that's good James. Now if they would just make it so you'd be able to get your infusion from a drive thru lane:)

  2. Road runner never bother no one
    runnin down the roads his idea of havin fun!
